Dental Implants in One Day
December 11, 2017
Maintain a Beautiful Smile With General Dentistry in Sterling, VA
December 25, 2017The final cost of dental implants is going to be determined by a wide variety of factors, and that is why you might want to spend a little extra time learning about these restorative devices. Unlike removable dentures and bridges, dental implants can be a permanent treatment option with the proper aftercare. After your appointment, you will once again be able to smile, eat, and speak with confidence. Here is a quick look at how these devices work.
What are Dental Implants?
There are many different ways to restore a smile after one or more teeth have fallen out or been extracted, but very few options are as effective as dental implants. Each implant is made of three components, including a metal rod, a small abutment, and the crown itself. If more than one tooth is being replaced, then we might use multiple metal rods to anchor fixed dentures into place. One of the reasons why implants are so popular is because they are attached directly to the jaws. Instead of sitting on top of your gums, they will form a powerful bond with your bones.
The Benefits of Implants
Even though preventative dental services are extremely effective, tooth loss remains a common problem. Practically everyone will lose at least one permanent tooth in their lifetime, and it is extremely important to address tooth loss as quickly as possible. When left untreated, missing teeth will increase your risk of a wide variety of serious health problems ranging from facial deformations to gum disease. Unlike removable devices, dental implants will continue to stimulate your jaws and gums to keep them as healthy as possible.
Another reason why so many patients are now choosing dental implants is because they are almost identical to natural teeth. Implants and fixed dentures are made custom for every patient, and you will most likely completely forget they are there once your mouth has healed. You will be able to eat all of your favorite foods without worrying about the devices sliding around in your mouth.
Determining the Cost of Dental Implants
The final cost of dental implants is something that we can discuss during your initial consultation at Cascades Center for Dental Health. We understand just how important it is to have a complete and beautiful smile, and that is why we do everything in our power to make sure that these devices are as affordable as possible. We will also go over all of your financing options so that you can decide if any plans are right for you. Contact us today to schedule your dental appointment at our office in Sterling!