Choosing the Ideal Dentist Near Leesburg
October 16, 2017
Finding the Perfect Office for General Dentistry Near Leesburg
November 6, 2017There are a lot of reasons why people get nervous about going to the dentist. They worry about the discomfort that they might experience. They worry that they might be vulnerable laying there in the dental chair with their mouth wide open and someone using unfamiliar tools inside of their mouth. It can become problematic when a person’s fear is so intense that it prevents them from getting needed dental care. Working with our sedation dentist in Sterling can help.
Sedation dentistry is where a dentist will give you some type of drug before your dental procedure. With the exception of general anesthesia, all of the other forms of sedation dentistry will make you feel relaxed, but they will not leave you completely unconscious.
Nitrous oxide is probably the most common type of sedation dentistry. It is a gas that relaxes you. Some people refer to it as laughing gas because of the effect that it can initially have on people. Nitrous oxide is not exceptionally potent. It wears off in short order. Usually, you are able to drive yourself home after having a dental procedure using laughing gas with our sedation dentist in Sterling.
There are other oral sedatives that can be used to help patients relax. They’re usually taken about one hour before the treatment. You’re completely awake. You might feel a little tired during the procedure, but that will wear off in short order. IV sedation can also be used. With IV sedation, you are going to be in a twilight sleep. You will be aware of your surroundings, but you will feel drowsy.
Regardless of the sedative you are given, our sedation dentist in Sterling is also going to give you something for the discomfort. Patients who should consider sedation dentistry range from those who have a phobia about visiting the dentist to those who have had a bad experience in the past to those who have sensitive oral nerves. If you feel that any of these things are true in your case, talking to our sedation dentist in Sterling is a good idea.
Sedation dentistry is often used in more complicated types of dental work. These include root canals and dental implantation. If you are putting off dental work because you fear the discomfort or because you fear the dental experience, know that you are doing yourself a disservice. By allowing your oral health to deteriorate, you’re putting the rest of your health at risk. It is better for you to get the dental work done and learn about sedation dentistry at Cascades Center for Dental Health in Sterling. Contact us today to schedule a dental appointment and get started.