What is Sedation Dentistry?
May 7, 2014
Hybrid Restorations
May 16, 2014It’s only natural that we go through life thinking we will have our teeth forever. Hearing things like, “brush your teeth twice a day, floss and see your hygienist every 6 months,” are things that have been instilled in us since we were kids, in hopes of having our pearly whites just as strong as they were from day one! Unfortunately, in some cases that is just not realistic. Whether it’s due to an accident, injury, genetics, tooth decay, or gum disease, patients occasionally have to face the fact that they will be in a situation where they are missing one or more teeth. A missing tooth and/or teeth can lower one’s self esteem, interfere with adjacent teeth, cause “super eruption” of opposing teeth, deteriorate bone, change your facial and jaw structure, and even make it difficult to eat or chew! Fortunately, there are solutions to this common problem. Single tooth implants, hybrid, and over-dentures are all examples of an implant restoration.
Dental Implants are “replacement” tooth roots that serve as anchors for a permanent or removable restoration. With the improved technology of dental implants we know we are giving our patients a product that will last a lifetime, and most importantly, bring back the smile they once had.
Just a few advantages of dental implants are:
- Improved Self Esteem– Dental Implants will give you the freedom to laugh and smile again. You will no longer have to worry about the vacant space in your mouth with your beautiful restoration.
- Improved Appearance– The final restoration on top of a dental implant will look and feel like it is a natural tooth. We are able to perfectly match a shade to your natural teeth, making it impossible to differentiate between your implant and your surrounding teeth.
- Convenience– In replacing a denture with an implant supported prosthesis, you will instantly gain more stability. You will never have to be bothered with taking your denture in and out or embarrassing “slips” that a denture can do if not properly secured in place.
- Improved Oral Hygiene– Whether you are thinking about a single implant or a full mouth restoration, your oral hygiene will greatly benefit. You CANNOT get a cavity on an implant. You can however still get build up of plaque and calculus, so seeing your Hygienist for your regularly scheduled visits is imperative.
- Durability– Dental Implants decrease the force you are putting on remaining teeth by offering support where there once was a tooth. If you are replacing a removable denture with a fixed prosthesis or simply getting a single implant, the force that you bite with plays a huge role in the process. It’s our job to make sure there is a strong foundation for your dental implants and that your bite is exactly where it needs to be!
- Improved Speech– Often times with dentures a patient is concerned with their speech. Fixed implant prosthesis eliminates the thick denture palate and allows your tongue to move more freely during conversations.
- Improved Eating Habits– Even if a patient is missing one tooth, eating can be a challenge. With dental implants you can eat without favoring a side, and enjoy meals the way you once did.
There is no need for a person to live their life worrying about that missing tooth, embarrassed that their denture just won’t stay in place, or ashamed about their smile. Dental implants are a great way to help you live your life exactly the way you’re supposed to – happy and healthy!